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Enjoy Investment Education with Bitcore Profit

Bitcore Profit Gives Access To Investment Tutors

It is no news that when it comes to investments, utmost information is required. In a world where we can be anything, becoming equipped with knowledge should be the goal. An education is essential to make sense of the investment scene.

This learning journey can be made as smooth as possible. This is what Bitcore Profit seeks to achieve. By bridging the gap between investment enthusiasts and investment education firms, Bitcore Profit makes learning accessible.

It doesn’t matter what level the user is at, whether beginner, intermediate, or expert. Bitcore Profit has something for everyone, no matter what their goal is. Want to understand the complexities of the investment sector? Sign up for free on Bitcore Profit.

Why Use Bitcore Profit?

Personalized Education From Suitable Tutors

No need to spend hours searching the internet for investment blogs and videos anymore. Most of the info out there leaves people more confused than when they set out. Bitcore Profit assigns suitable investment education firms to users. These firms craft a curriculum around the user’s interests and schedule.

Bitcore Profit Charges No Fees!

Zero fees. Zilch! Bitcore Profit does the legwork and connects users with suitable investment tutors for free.

Anyone can now have access to materials that the investment education firms provide.

No Language Barrier

Bitcore Profit is a global solution. The website brings investment education closer to the average person anywhere in the world.

Consequently, there are different language options. It doesn’t matter if the user is an English speaker or not.

Bitcore Profit Registration Guide

Welcome New Users

Ready to use Bitcore Profit? We have a spot waiting. To get started, provide a name, phone number, and email address.

Next, Bitcore Profit Will Assign An Investment Educator

How do we set up users for financial literacy? We connect them to investment education firms. These firms then provide the necessary learning materials and training.

Then, A Rep Will Reach Out

Someone from the assigned education firm will contact the new user. They’ll provide details about the firm’s curriculum. This rep also helps craft a personalized learning plan for the user.

Bitcore Profit Promotes Investment Literacy

Since the turn of the century, investment education has become more important. Technology has made investing more accessible. Anyone can now buy stocks or crypto on their mobile phones, but are they really equipped to do so? At Bitcore Profit, we believe that investment education should be as accessible as investments.

Investment literacy has a massive impact on people. It affects how they perceive and utilize resources. Educated investors carry out analysis independently and see the bigger picture. They make decisions that align with their goals and risk tolerance.

Learn about Options Trading via Bitcore Profit

What is Options trading? Options let investors buy or sell the right to purchase an underlying asset at a fixed price at a set date. With options trading, one can implement strategies involving various market positions that may manage the spot market risk. Option traders seek gains from the fluctuations of the asset price. This is only after paying a premium and not the asset’s purchase price in full. In other words, options trading simply offers traders a unique flexibility. Learn more about options trading by using Bitcore Profit.

Call Option
Put Option
Options Trading Strategy

Call Option

The call option gives power to the investor. With it, they may buy off a stock for a certain price on or before a set date (expiration date).

Put Option

The put option, on the other hand, is the opposite. It gives the right, not obligation, to sell the stock at a certain price. This transaction must be made on or before the expiration date.

Long Call Strategy

Traders use the long call strategy when they expect the price of the underlying asset to rise significantly.

Short Put Strategy

Short-put traders expect the asset price to decrease or remain relatively stable. If they exercise their right, they’re obligated to sell the asset at the strike price.

Long Straddle Options Strategy

In the long straddle options strategy, traders usually buy a put option and a call option. Both have the same strike price and expiration date. This strategy is often employed when a movement in price is expected.

However, the direction the price may go is unknown. So, this strategy can be likened to hedging. It is typically applied ahead of the release of impactful news.

Options Trading Strategy

The options trading strategies help traders capitalize on market conditions. This is done by creating systems to mitigate prices.

Learn About Option Pricing via Bitcore Profit

Option pricing is a theory that predicts the value of an options contract. This price is called a premium. The premium is assigned based on the probability that the contact will end in the ITM position. ITM means In-The-Money. It is a scenario where the option holder may receive a positive cash flow if executed immediately.

The main goal of option pricing is simple. It's to determine the possibility that an option will be exercised or be at the ITM level at the time of expiration. If the probability holds, a dollar value is assigned to the option.

The probability is obtained by a mathematical model to derive the option’s theoretical value. This uses factors like exercise price, volatility, interest rate, and time to expiration. Sign up on Bitcore Profit and learn more about option pricing.

Learn the Factors Affecting Options Pricing with Bitcore Profit

A lot goes into options pricing, and it all starts with the traders buying a call or a put. This purchase is usually made for directional trading. If the market is analyzed and the results are bullish (positive), the traders may buy the call option. This creates a means to join the possible upside. It allows for risking only a fraction of the market value.

On the other hand, if the market is bearish (bearish), the trader may buy a put option to try and make the most of a fall in price. Here, quantifiable parameters are needed. This is because the basis of options pricing is the use of complex mathematical formulas. These parameters may affect the price of the asset. Hence, they need to be up-to-date and accurate. Here are some factors affecting options pricing:

Underlying Asset Price

The underlying asset price is an important factor in options pricing. When a stock price rises, the call option may increase in value. The vice versa is true for the put options.

Strike Price

The strike price is the specific price at which a trader has the right, not obligation, to buy or sell a security. For call options, the strike price is the amount the asset may be bought. For put options, the strike price is where the security may be sold.

Time of Expiration

The time of the expiration of an option price is the exact time and date when it becomes void. Within this time, the holder should have made their sale of the security.


Volatility is simply the fluctuations in the market price of the underlying assets within a certain period. The volatility of the market may cause significant changes in the prices of the security. This may affect the call and put options, too.

Use Bitcore Profit and Learn About Option Strategies

It is common knowledge that a strategy is a plan or ordered actions to pursue goals. But what is a strategy in options trading? It’s pretty straightforward. It's a plan that works hand in hand with the trade to minimize risk and seek gains. Gains are not assured in any way due to the volatility of the market.

This is where the implementation of various strategies comes into the picture. Bitcore Profit connects individuals to education firms to teach option strategies and how they are used.

The Downside of Options Trading

Nothing is 100 percent certain or advantageous. Especially in the investment world, there is a significant risk of making losses.

Understanding the limits of any investment option or strategy is important. Investment education covers both the pros and cons. Investors should always see the bigger picture.

Options contracts are complex and difficult to price. Liquidity issues, cost, and even time decay are also cons associated with options. It is essential to be fully aware of these beforehand.

Risk and Options Trading

Options trading is more or less a game of chance based on intricate metrics and accurate calculations. The underlying security could either increase in value or spiral downward. The point of using options is to have some sort of safety net. But this is theoretical, as trades are known to be quite volatile.

Use Bitcore Profit and Learn About Option Strategies
The Downside of Options Trading

Basic Terminologies of Options Trading

Protective Puts

Protective puts, also known as married puts, involve a holder buying either a call or put option against the stock that they own.

Long Strangles

Traders can buy both a call and a put option at different strike prices under the same asset and expiration time.

Box Spreads

The box spreads strategy combines a bull call spread with a matching bear put spread.

Long Straddle

This is when the trader buys a call and puts an option simultaneously on the same asset. It is used when the underlying asset price is expected to increase.

Covered Calls

This strategy may reduce the risk of traders being long on the stock. The catch is that traders must be ready to sell at its price.

Bull Call Spread

In the bull call spread, the trader buys call options at a specific strike price. At the same time, they sell the same number of calls but for a higher strike price.

Do It All with Bitcore Profit

There are a lot of concepts, each carrying their strategies and instructions. It may be a lot to take in at once. But that is why Bitcore Profit is here. To connect enthusiasts to educators that break down these concepts to make them easier. Want to enjoy this? Sign up on Bitcore Profit for free!

Bitcore Profit FAQs

How Does Registration Work?

To register on Bitcore Profit, simply provide a name, email address, and phone number.

What Languages are Available on Bitcore Profit?

Bitcore Profit removes barriers to learning. The website supports various languages to cater to a global base.

Is Bitcore Profit Free?

Yes. There are no registration or subscription fees. On Bitcore Profit, anyone can connect with investment education firms for free.

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